Change Management: How to Overcoming Common Challenges and the Role of Leadership

Change is something that business enterprises must deal with frequently today. Organizations must update and change their business outlook, job functions, and even general goals in response to external market drivers and disruptors as technologies continue to disrupt entire industries.

The process of monitoring and assisting change at whatever level is known as “change management.” Management teams must establish precisely how this change will be handled, develop the methodology, and determine how to implement it most effectively.

Business Dictionary defines change management as “the coordination of a systematic time of transition from scenario A to B.”. According to the Change Management Learning Center, change management is sometimes referred to as “the process, tools, and techniques to manage the people-side of business change to achieve the desired business outcome and to successfully implement that business transformation” inside the social infrastructure of the workplace.

Why is change management critical?

Companies can navigate change more efficiently by developing a change management plan. An organization may require changes, but if you have a plan for implementing them, monitoring them, and reporting on their effectiveness, you’re set up for success. In addition, change management gives you superior control over the entire process. Unfortunately, this process often needs an expensive implementation strategy and investment.

Various stages of change management

Change management is a structured approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from a current state to a desired future state. There are different reasons why to start a change inside an organization:

Digital transformation

Digital transformation refers to integrating digital technology into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how it operates and delivers value to customers. It involves using technology to automate and streamline business processes, improve communication and collaboration, and access and analyze data to make better-informed decisions. 

Digital transformation can help organizations stay competitive and meet customers’ changing needs and expectations.

Changes in leadership 

When there is a change in leadership within an organization, it can bring new ideas, goals, and priorities. This can lead to changes in policies, procedures, and processes as the new leader work to align the organization with their vision. For example, a new leader may introduce new strategies or initiatives that require changes in how things are done within the organization.

Changes in job roles or responsibilities

Individual change management can be necessary for various situations, such as when an organization changes job roles or responsibilities, changes processes or procedures, adopts new technology, or changes its organizational culture. Individuals may need support and guidance in each situation as they adapt to the changes.

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Basic Principles of Successful Change Management

Implementing change management “properly” tends to adhere to a few fundamental concepts, even though the process can vary depending on the business and how it is done at the departmental versus organizational level.

Build an Environment for Change

Making an environment conducive to change is the first step for every organization confronting the prospect of change. Change can be intimidating or frustrating, so management must reduce resistance by explaining its significance, directing the teams where the change will take place, and offering a clear vision to kick-start the transition process. In addition, gaining the trust and support of employees for change requires open communication. 

Encourage and Facilitate Change

The next phase involves giving the organization the tools to implement change once the environment is change-friendly. Setting up responsibilities is crucial when change is necessary. Is a team or a specific person required to accomplish this change? Is there to be a multi-level organizational change implemented? If so, who will be in charge of organizing these many levels? Leaders can guide the transformation process, and accountability ambiguities can be lessened by having the answers to each question. Maintaining open, transparent, and clear communication is crucial for this reason. Additionally, achieving quick victories can keep motivation and enthusiasm high.

Adopt and Maintain Change

It is time to implement and sustain the change with the company on board and people, teams, and organizations empowered and motivated. To get the desired result, it’s critical to remain focused and under pressure. While this phase may sound rudimentary, it is still the case that some managers can lose concentration and “ease up” during the process. If the target goal changes during the change process, don’t be afraid to modify accordingly by changing duties or strategies to maintain drive and concentration.

Review and Consider Change

A review is the last step in the change management process after the general principles have been established. Despite the management team’s best attempts to assign duties correctly and communicate effectively, transformation is a dynamic process. Reviewing the parts of your process that worked well or poorly after a transitional period is crucial so you may learn from the outcomes. Thinking back on the results helps you get ready for the next time. Having examples of past practices that were most helpful to your company can be beneficial as it faces change in the future. Any new changes that emerge can be treated with confidence rather than fear or dread as beneficial possibilities for the organization if a change management team has identified any prior errors and learned from them.

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Benefits of Change Management

Any change, no matter how big or small, benefits from careful change management. Unfortunately, people and organizations do not adapt well to change. Without effective leadership, you will likely run across obstacles and lose time and money. The secret to successfully implementing changes is sticking to change management.

Addressing change management from an organizational perspective has several advantages.

  1. Improved communication: When change management is addressed from an organizational perspective, it allows for better communication and coordination of the change process across the organization. This can help ensure that all stakeholders know the changes and understand their roles and responsibilities.
  2. Greater buy-in: By involving all stakeholders in the change management process and ensuring that their needs and concerns are taken into account, organizations can build greater buy-in and support for the changes. It can help to minimize resistance to change and improve the chances of success.
  3. More effective implementation: Organizations can identify and address potential roadblocks or challenges to change more effectively by taking an organizational perspective. This helps ensure that the changes are implemented smoothly and efficiently, with minimal organizational disruption.
  4. Greater agility: By addressing change management from an organizational perspective, organizations can become more agile and adaptable to change. This can help them stay competitive and responsive to their customers, and the market’s changing needs and expectations.

Types of organizational change

Change management can manage many different types of organizational change. There are several types of organizational change that organizations may undertake:

  1. Structural change: This change involves altering the organizational structure, such as by reorganizing departments or creating new roles and responsibilities.
  2. Process change: This type of change involves altering organizational processes or procedures, such as changing how work is done or making decisions.
  3. Technological change: This type involves adopting or integrating new technologies into the organization.
  4. Cultural change: This type of change involves altering the culture or values of the organization, such as by introducing new ways of working or adopting new values and beliefs.
  5. Strategic change: This type of change involves altering the overall direction or strategy of the organization, such as by introducing new products or services, entering new markets, or changing the way the organization competes.
  6. Transformational change: This type of change involves a fundamental shift in how the organization operates and delivers value to customers. Transformational change can be disruptive and require significant processes, structures, and cultural changes.

Overall, organizational change can take many forms, depending on the specific needs and goals of the organization.

Change Management Models

Theories, concepts, and approaches used in change management models act as road maps for effective change. They don’t offer detailed directions, but they set up a structure for handling the changeover.

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Consider the changes you want to make before selecting a change management methodology. Some models work better with certain kinds of adjustments. For instance, emotion-based change management frameworks like the Kübler-Ross Change Curve or the Bridges’ Transition Model are frequently advantageous for people-centric transformations.

Models like the ADKAR Model or the Enhanced Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model can benefit changes that concentrate more on systems and procedures. Both models are outcome-focused and offer a framework for quickening change.

The Change Management Model of ADKAR

ADKAR is a change management model developed by Jeff Hiatt, the founder of Prosci. The model is designed to help organizations implement change effectively and efficiently. It is based on the idea that successful change requires individuals to progress through five stages: Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement.

Here is a brief description of each stage of the ADKAR model:

  1. Awareness: The first stage of the ADKAR model is Awareness, which involves understanding the need for change and its benefits. This stage is important because it helps to build support and buy-in for the change.
  2. Desire: The second stage of the ADKAR model is Desire, which involves developing a desire or motivation to support and participate in the change. This stage is important because it helps to build commitment and engagement with the change.
  3. Knowledge: The third stage of the ADKAR model is Knowledge, which involves understanding how to implement the change and the skills and resources needed. This stage is important because it helps individuals prepare for the change and become confident in their ability to implement it.
  4. Ability: The fourth stage of the ADKAR model is an ability, which involves taking action and implementing the change. This stage is important because it helps ensure the change is successfully implemented and becomes part of the organization’s processes and procedures.
  5. Reinforcement: The final stage of the ADKAR model is Reinforcement, which involves reinforcing and sustaining the change over time. This stage is important because it helps to ensure that the change becomes fully integrated into the organization and becomes the new way of doing things.


The process of monitoring and assisting change at whatever level is known as “change management.” Management teams must establish exactly how this change will be handled, develop the methodology, and determine how to implement it most effectively. It is a structured approach that helps organizations transition from a current state to a desired future state. It involves working with individuals, teams, and the organization to ensure the change is successful. 

Change management is important because it helps organizations stay competitive and responsive to the changing needs and expectations of their customers and the market. It can also help organizations become more agile, adaptable, and efficient.

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