About Us

Who are we

To make financial decisions and information simpler and to offer readers the confidence to manage every element of their financial lives, FinanceAutomate was established in 2022.

Millions of people from all over the world and from various backgrounds read our publications. Others are seasoned investors, business owners, professionals, financial advisors, and executives seeking to advance their knowledge and abilities. Some are learning about money and investing for the first time. We are prepared to assist whomever they may be.

Our Team

Senior Editor and CEO

picture of owner of the site

Our Senior Editor in FinanceAutomate, Ali El Banna, has been working in the financial division of a Fortune 500 company since 2012. His areas of expertise include business, economics, finance, and the confluence of finance and data science is very well known. He has influence worldwide to provide accurate, timely evaluations of the most future driven financial process automation.

Editorial Standards

We aim to make complicated financial decisions and information understandable so our readers can confidently manage all financial elements. We work hard to ensure that every piece on our website is inclusive, empowering, truthful, and neutral.

All of the content you discover on FinanceAutomate are reviewed, updated, and managed by the editors at FinanceAutomate in collaboration with our network of contributors. We don’t offer suggestions regarding purchasing, selling, or holding stocks or investments. We provide pertinent analysis, context, insights, and educational information, along with impartial, independent product and service evaluations to assist you in making more informed decisions.

Every time an article on our site contains information known to be outdated or likely to be so, our editorial team flags it. These articles are checked over, updated, or, if necessary, wholly rewritten, double-checked, and edited. Our updating efforts receive support from our network of qualified experts who uphold our procedures and policies.

Every article has a byline that lists the author’s name and a link to additional information for each person who contributed. A tagline is sometimes included at the end of an article to provide more details about the authorship or research.